Annotated Chinese Web page will appear here.


This tool helps you learn to read Chinese by adding pinyin next to Chinese characters in web pages. You can type a web address into the input field above or select from a list of popular Chinese web addresses (including CND and the Voice of America). Once you've typed in the address you can either hit return or click on the "Load and Annotate" button to start the process. Please wait a few moments while it downloads and annotates the file.

You can select the difficulty of the characters that are annotated. Selecting "1" means that all characters have pinyin added. "2" means all but the most frequent characters are annotated, and so on. You also have the option of only adding pinyin the first time a character is encountered ("Only Once") or every time the character is encountered ("Every time"). Internet Explorer 5.0 users also have the option of selecting "Once Above" and "Every Above". These are similar to "Only Once" and "Every time", except that the pinyin will appear above the character instead of to the right of the character.

Set Up

The first time you use this tool, you will need to do some set up steps. Be sure to get the internationalized version of Java and not the English-only.

A stand-alone version of this tool is now available. If you have trouble getting this tool to work, you might want to try the stand-alone version.


If you select a web page and it does not appear, then you can try these steps.

Internet Explorer

  1. Select "Tools" then "Internet Options" from main menu
  2. Select "Security" tab, then click "Trusted Sites"
  3. Click on the "Sites" button to add a new trusted site
  4. Uncheck "Require server verification" if checked
  5. Type in "" in "Add this Web site to the zone" and click "Add"
  6. Click "OK" until you return to the browser.
  7. Applet should now work
  1. Type "about:config" in browser.
  2. Scroll down to "security.checkloaduri"
  3. Right click on "security.checkloaduri", select "Modify" and type in "false"
  4. Applet should now work


Please visit my contact page with your questions and comments.