If you are interested in Cantonese, check out CantoDict.
For Chinese-German, see HanDeDict: the Chinese-German Dictionary project (Chinesisch-Deutsches Wörterbuch HanDeDict).
Additions and corrections.
UTF8 Defs: 44782
Older versions of CEDICT can be found at the Monash Nihongo ftp Archive.
You can also send new entries for the dictionary to "cedict AT chinesetools.com" (replace AT with @). If you are looking for a Chinese translation of an English word, please use the search websites listed below instead of e-mailing to this address.
The UTF-8 version is the version from which I derive the GB and Big5 versions. So Unicode is the preferred encoding for new entries, but I am happy to accept any format.
The basic format of a CEDICT entry is:
Chinese [pinyin] /English equivalent 1/equivalent 2/
First is the Chinese word (with no spaces) followed by a single space.
The pinyin should follow in the format below:
The English equivalents(s) should be have a slash at beginning and end and between separate English equivalents for the same Chinese head word. For example:
中文 [zhong1 wen2] /Chinese language/
Please respect the copyright of other dictionaries. Do not directly copy entries from them; I will reject any entries that are just copies from other copyrighted printed and electronic dictionaries.
To join the list, either visit CEDICT mailing list info page and follow the instructions there, or send an e-mail with the subject line of subscribe to cedict-request@lists.chinesecomputing.com .