The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
General | Scriptures | Missionary | History | Taiwan | Mainland China | Hong Kong | North America

My name is Erik Peterson (Kong Yurui in Chinese) and I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (also known as the Mormons). I served as a missionary with the Chinese people of the Houston, Texas area during the early 90's, a time which greatly impacted my life in many ways (including learning the language which helped me find my vocation).

The teachings of Jesus Christ through his latter-day prophets have been a great comfort in my life. I know where I came from, why I am here, and where I want to go after this life. I provide the following links to those who might be more interested in learning more.

Chinese LDS Resources



A new translation of the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price was recently released. Links below are currently to the older versions.




Some Chinese LDS Sites:


People's Republic of China

Hong Kong SAR, China

United States



Selections from the Book of Mormon in Chinese (Big5)

The Book of Mormon is a record of Christ's teachings to people in the New World. With the Bible, it provides a strong testimony that Christ lives and loves us. Note: Although I have proofread the above chapters several times, some typos may still exist. Also, some characters that are used in the printed Chinese edition of the Book of Mormon are not available in the Big5 character set. In these cases, equivalent characters that are available were used. Please report any errors (or questions!) to me at lds AT (replace AT with @).

General LDS Links

And of course, I'm more than happy to answer questions and direct you to local resources. E-mail me at erik AT (replace AT with @).
If you want to contact me concerning my MandarinTools website, please visit the contact page.

people have visited this site since April, 1998.

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Erik E. Peterson.
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